Shayan, S., Yamani, M., Yadegari, M. (2017). Zoning of the Land Subsidence in the Hamedan Qarachai Watershed. , 3(9), 139-158.
Siavash Shayan; Mojtaba Yamani; Manizheh Yadegari. "Zoning of the Land Subsidence in the Hamedan Qarachai Watershed". , 3, 9, 2017, 139-158.
Shayan, S., Yamani, M., Yadegari, M. (2017). 'Zoning of the Land Subsidence in the Hamedan Qarachai Watershed', , 3(9), pp. 139-158.
Shayan, S., Yamani, M., Yadegari, M. Zoning of the Land Subsidence in the Hamedan Qarachai Watershed. , 2017; 3(9): 139-158.

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